The following items are what we pack at minimum when we travel. A great deal of thought, travel and time have been put into this list. It has been created for people who do not want to be burdened with carrying a bunch of “stuff” when they travel. The key is to take only essential items. Pack light, light, light. Backpack in photo to left is Dave’s small pack!
This is a bare bones list and as a result we always travel Internationally with merely a small school size back pack. Your list may differ dramatically from this list depending on the type of activities you enjoy doing when you travel, the comfort level you want when traveling, the climate of the country you will be visiting, the time of year, or any other number of factors.
Clothing can often take up a lot of space. If you are traveling to a warm weather climate and you know you will not need much clothing, and you take what is on this list, your entire small school size backpack will have LOTS of extra space left in it. For colder climates, consider thin lightweight thermal underwear for both halves of your body. A jacket may also be needed; goose down is extremely light and very warm. Consider using a compression stuff sack if you bring a down jacket. Much of the clothing you can wear with you when you travel, and if need be, you can always leave some of your clothing in your hostel or hotel room.
Traveling with smaller quantities of clothing will free up space so that you do not have to bring a large pack or suitcase – however, this means you will be doing more laundry. We use sinks or bathtubs in hotel rooms to do his laundry each evening. Synthetic material or Fleece is key. here is less smell and dries very fast.
Items crossed off below typically are only allowed in carry-on baggage in specific quantities -3oz (these items also may not be allowed in carry on baggage on some airlines) and need to be in a Ziploc bag. If items are marked as “optional” we sometimes brings these items, but not always. Yes, all of this will fit in a school sized back pack with room left over!! Its a great feeling when walking by the Baggage Carousels in airports and hearing security yell out at you as you walk by with your small carry on bag on your back, “hey, you need to stop and pick up your checked bags”!!!
Download or Print out a PDF Checklist of the Travel Pack List Below
If you have your own “must have” items – drop us a note here ๐
This is great, so convenient to have a sort of go-to list for when I need to pack light.
I would also include some sort of anti-itch cream, like Lana-cane, in the 1st aid kit. Just in case of mosquito bites, allergic reactions and other sorts of irritants. I suppose that it would be more important for trips where shops are not easily accessible, such as a camping or backpacking trip.
Thanks Sarah – good point about the anti-itch cream ๐
Wow good list, i will consider when traveling, there are very useful things, greetings David ๐
Gracias Anuncios – and thanks for stopping by to. Yep, over the years I work on this list – it is based on many trips to both warm and cold weather destinations….but less to the cold places!
Your list is very good. I always check before my travels that everything I packed on the basis of this list. Thanks Dave!
Thanks Jennifer – glad this list is of some help to you ๐
Great list. I always take a travel power strip with three outlets, two on front and one on back, so I can expand the charging capabilities in airport or hotel. In the airport, this enables you to share sometimes scarce outlets with other travelers. Especially helpful if you get there when the other outlets are taken. Nobody minds if you ask to unplug them for one second and then plug them back into your strip.
Lisa – good point re having the extra outlets. This company found me on Twitter – looks to be a cool product I’ll review soon –
neck pillow!
Thank you Dave
your list is good I will be happy if i will be considered when traveling
Might consider Stashitware Pocket Underwear for travel. Has been endorsed by Bob Arno and Bambi Vincent of “Thiefs in Paradise” fame and experts on pickpockets and thieves worldwide. So you are packing underwear anyway so why not have an extra pocket for that cash and credit cards?
Jenny – thanks for the note about a neck pillow – perhaps one that blows up to save space?
Ellen – yes this list is setup for independent travelers who like to travel light regardless of destination ๐
Philip – I like the idea of pocket underwear – I will check out that brand ๐
duct tape?
Duct tape will fix most anything amigo!
I see
Thanks Abdul
Cool post!!