This novel is takes place in Aspen, CO and is centered around a life of a high profile model who professionally is seemingly at the peak of her career. However, her life is filled with secrets, drama, drugs, and a deep unhappiness with her own life. And complicating matters are those surrounding her are motivated by greed at her expense. A childhood prodigy of the world's most famous living composer, Michelle Seko eventually fled his … [Read more...]
Who Will Accompany You? by Meg Stafford with Kate Stafford and Gale Stafford
Who Will Accompany You? is a a look at two separate international trips simultaneously told through the eyes of Meg (the mother) and her daughters Kate and Gale. Thoughtfully written, this journey follows Meg and Kate to the Himalayas where Kate spends her time meditating at a monastery while Meg hikes in the mountains. The second part of the book is about a trip to Colombia where Meg follows Gale who is part of an organization helping … [Read more...]
Escape from Dachau by Kathe Mueller Slonim
This is a frightening and true story of an incredible rescue of a prisoner by a family member from Dachau (Germany's first atrocity camp) in the middle of the night in late 1938. Third Reich official Max Immanuel has already secured the proper documents to legally leave Germany but when a family member calls and requests his help in trying to rescue another family member, he has to make a potentially life threatening decision. He faces down … [Read more...]
First Date by Mark Scott
If all first dates went the way of this one, there would never be any second dates. Ever. Period. A suicidal jump off a bridge in the dead of winter at night led to a second jump. Both individuals survived, their drifting in the icy waters stopped by an anchored barge. The jump remarkably left them physically not much worse for the wear. More than 200 pages covers a span of time from the jump late at night until early the next morning, a period … [Read more...]
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Insha Allah by Sara Cheikh
This book follows the author as she leaves Paris in the Spring of 2020 to visit her grandmother and large extended family in the Western Sahara. What was supposed to be a two week vacation turns into a much longer adventure due to closed borders and difficulties of travel that year. She returns to the Saharawi society and refuge camps from where she was born. This story is one of the cultural differences between her home in France and her … [Read more...]
Where to Nest by Kristen Van Nest
At its core, Where to Nest by Kristen Van Nest is a book about self-discovery and finding a sense of place and purpose. And this searching is built around international experiences through most of Kristen's twenties while living abroad. She moved to Luxembourg on a Fulbright Scholarship, followed by three years in China working for a wine importer and spending time in Thailand during a government coup and in Greece during a banking crisis. … [Read more...]
Paris for Life: Notes from a Lifetime in and out of Paris by Barry Frangipane
A love affair extraordinaire with one of the greatest cities on the planet, author Frangipane takes us on on a journey of several decades of his own life focusing on his time living and visiting Paris. He moved to the city as a young adult, living with a Swiss woman who he met through work in the U.S. She invites him to Paris and proposes they live together. He takes her up on her offer and they soon share a tiny apartment together; the space … [Read more...]
The Saviour Fish by Mark Weston
This book is a non-fiction account of the author’s life on a remote island on the Tanzania side of Lake Victoria. It is a story of daily life yet at the same time dives into how the Nile Perch released into its waters in the 1950s has changed the course of the lakes balance eventually bringing the native cichlids to near-extinction. And how the changes in the lakes‘ ecosystem directly affected millions of people including the crippling … [Read more...]
The Hunt for Mount Everest by Craig Storti
The Hunt for Mount Everest by Craig Storti is an in depth and very detailed look at the history the led to eventually reaching the summit of the world's highest mountain. It is obvious from page one that the author has spent significant time researching the mountain's related history revealing new insights and setting the stage for its eventual summit expeditions. This book details the man whose last name was given to the world's tallest … [Read more...]
The Trail: a novel by Ethan Gallogly
Gil's father recently passed and Gil was recently fired from his job. His father's best friend Syd, who is fighting leukemia decides to hike the 220 mile John Muir Trail in the high Sierra Nevada mountains. Gil's mother asks him to join Syd and Gil agrees despite nurturing a strong dislike of camping, being overweight and very inadequately prepared to take on a physical challenge of this magnitude. This is a story of how their relationship … [Read more...]
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