These are typically individual's websites about their own travel experiences - they often include photographs. These are more geared to "travel stories" rather than blog entires. Click Here for travel blogs.
My advice is: "travel!" even with your mind and imagination but “travel”, and sometimes, when you can with the backpack too (as for me it’s never enough...)! The important is don’t stop... As the great Antonio de Curtis used to say: "who stops is lost!"
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Submitted Oct 08, 2011, edited Oct 08, 2011 |
travel photo essays including: England, Egypt, Costa Rica, Paris, Washington DC and Rocky Mountain National Park
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Submitted Feb 26, 2010 |
Darling Escapes is finding that piece of paradise in the middle of chaos. That little of bit of sunshine on an otherwise grey day. That lust to know something so intimately that it becomes second skin. Its that place that you can go that instantly feels like home- even if its the first time you’ve been there. Its finding luxury not in the place, but in the interactions.
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Submitted Jun 06, 2015 |
This is a site set up so that friends and friends to be can follow my travels around the world, plan trips of their own or just chat. Countries covered include Central and South America, Greece, Sweden, Asia, Australia and New Zealand
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Submitted Feb 26, 2010 |
Earthoria is a travel & ‘lifestyle’ blog produced by globetrotter Tina & webmaster Thomas living and working around the world
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Submitted Feb 28, 2010 |
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Submitted Jun 18, 2010 |
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Listings: 64
Regular: 64
Last listing added: Jun 06, 2015
Regular: 64
Last listing added: Jun 06, 2015