Too vast. My eyes have nothing to rest on, sliding over rolling landscapes. With no point to hold my gaze, I’m afraid of tripping over the horizon. The road doesn’t look like it was designed to lead anywhere but merely to serve as a metaphorical symbol of the journey into the unknown. There isn’t much to know in the unknown, it seems. It looks unfinished and bare. Only in places the ground is covered with withered grasses, sometimes leafless … [Read more...]

About Eloquently
El. or Elena is a social anthropologist by training, researcher by trade, writer by vocation. These days her favourite way of avoiding work is to work on her travel blog where she ruminates about the internal landscapes of travelling. Elena's travel writing is a result of the privilege of finally having the world at her fingertips and the paranoia that if she doesn’t wrestle these experiences down and flatten them on a white surface, the memories will oxidise in her head. Born and raised in Eastern Europe, she now lives and works in London and on the internet.