Horace Dade Ashton began exploring the world as a teenage cabin boy in the late nineteenth century. His love of the sea and the open ocean led him to explore many parts of the world when travel was difficult. He wrote about his travels, and I’m delighted to present excerpts from them to fellow adventurers. by Libby J. Atwater, coauthor of The Spirit of Villarosa and author of a What Lies Within HAITI Intrigued by what anthropologist … [Read more...]

About Libby Atwater
Libby J. Atwater has profiled individuals in entertainment, law, business, public service, medicine, education, and philanthropy while writing for nonprofits, educational institutions, magazines, and community newspapers for more than twenty-five years. She has assisted others with their life stories for the past eighteen years. Stories from her life appear in several anthologies, and she received first place in biography and memoir and tied for first place in other nonfiction for her riveting memoir What Lies Within, released in 2013.
Libby is the co-author of the anticipated 'The Spirit of Villarosa' debuting on June 28, 2016.