This fictional account is an intense war story and often reads like reality. The book follows Lucas Martin, an experienced war time veteran and retired agent of the US government. He is ‘retired’ in Thailand when he receives a call to return to service to serve his country in and around Sarajevo, just before the siege of this historic city during the war that devastated this part of the world in the early and mid 1990’s.
He is hired to gain necessary intelligence for both the United States and the UN to help determine their course of action in the Balkans and his story is weaved around the day to day dangers of the war following the collapse of the former Republic of Yugoslavia. The dangers of his job ultimately catch up with him and and he falls into enemy hands.
Discover the dilemma he is blackmailed into committing and the choices and strength of friendship that will ultimately save his life. The pages keep turning faster as the book reaches its final climax.
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