I’ll hear no grumbles about bumpy flights on twin-prop planes from regional airports in the U.S.. No sighs about the robotic sign-off from the cabin steward, “Thank you for choosing United” (as if you had a choice). No, you have no grounds for complaint because you don’t know how terrifying such flights can be. You have not had the Antonov-24 (a Soviet-era airplane) experience. The Antonov-24, a Soviet 44-seater turboprop which made its … [Read more...]

About David Mould
David Mould, professor emeritus of media arts and studies at Ohio University, has traveled widely in Asia and southern Africa as a trainer, consultant, and researcher, and has written articles and essays for newspapers, magazines and online media. Born in the UK, he worked as a newspaper and TV journalist before moving to the US. His first book on travel, history and culture, Postcards from Stanland: Journeys in Central Asia, was published in 2016 (Ohio University Press). His second, Monsoon Postcards: Indian Ocean Journeys, will be out in 2019.