For under several dollars or euros one can get a typical Lao meal from one of the many street side restaurants. Many of these restaurants serve several different varieties of soups – most of these restaurants have either street side seating or seating set back in the restaurant (usually just one room).
Typically the soups will consist of some meat and some type of sprouts, mint, and other greens. Usually the soups are not spicy – the spices are usually available on the table. More expensive meals can cost up to several US dollars.
Several restaurants are listed below:
Le Silapa was probably the top foreign restaurant in the entire country of Laos (NOTE: unfortunately they closed for good in 2017 and we keep our notes here for nostalgia purposes only). Priced reasonably I highly recommend you eat here even if it means a bit of a splurge in your budget. This is an elegant French restaurant – the prices for entrees based on international standards are reasonably priced but are far higher than a typical Lao restaurant. When I ate here I went wild – several different salads, a soup, a main entree, desert and wine – all for about $20. This is fine dining at its best. How often can you eat for fairly cheaply at one of the top restaurants in a country?!
Benches in front of a local
restaurant. Photo courtesy of
James Bentley Archive © 2020
Entrees range from salmon steak, leg of lamb, shallots, and duck breast. They are open for lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday. They are closed on Sundays.
The Tuk-tuk drivers had not heard of this restaurant – so my driver drove me around in circles until i turned on Google Maps. When the tuk-tuk driver saw what my final destination was he increased the cost of the ride from about 10,000 kip ($1) to $80,000 kip about $8. Long sleeve pants and shirts are recommended for dining here.
Xang Khoo Restaurant is located on 32 Thanon Khun Bulom, a street that parallels the Mekong River. Outside dining in a patio courtyard in front of the restaurant is available. This restaurant has a well stocked bar – and is popular with tourists. Be sure to try the Beer Lao.
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