Recently came upon this brief tale from my first trip to Europe many years ago…
Because I was well read up on the possible pick pocket incidents that could happen in Europe, I purchased a cheap wallet in the states, and then promptly slashed it with a Swiss army knife. Next I purchased some fake $100 and $50 US bills from a local supermarket. I placed these in the wallet and carried the wallet and the fake money around Europe in my shorts pocket.
I tried like you wouldn’t believe to get the wallet stolen at certain times. I only tried to get the wallet stolen when I didn’t have my back pack with me. However, the wallet was always in my pocket. I even unfolded part of the wallet and let it hang out my back pocket, but had no luck. I visited some real seedy places and never even had a few nibbles.
Finally at the end of the trip, I became so frustrated with all the non-existent travel horror pick pocketing stories, that I visited a bad part of Paris and sat down. During the time that I sat down, I discretely slipped the wallet out of my pocket and placed it under my leg. Two minutes later I got up and walked away. Not more then 10 seconds passed before I heard people shouting at me, “brother you’ve dropped your wallet”. This was quite unnerving, as this JUST wasn’t the plan. Having people in Europe tell me that I had dropped my wallet, just was NOT supposed to happen.
At this point, I just gave up and ran. I buried myself in a throng of people who were milling in a large music store, and I snuck out the back way.
Haha that is hilarious! And gives me hope that there are still some good people out there!