We are having a small travel writing contest open until September 1st. 2 entries are allowed per person - enter to have a chance to win 1 of 2 prizes. http://www.davestravelcorner.com/press/pr86-travel-essay-contest2010.htm … [Read more...]
Two more book reviews!
I typically review a couple of travel related books each month. THE FREEWAYS OF LOS ANGELES It is hard to review your own book and not be biased - but writing this review should theoretically be easy! The Freeways of Los Angeles highlights all the major freeways in the Los Angeles and Orange County Metropolitan Regions. Short descriptions are provided about each freeway which in part includes their common names, photographs, special … [Read more...]
Internet in China
Greetings from China - is interesting to see what is and isn't blocked over here. Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Youtube and other social networking sites are blocked. Having a remote server helps as I can telnet into the box and then load up any of those sites as necessary. Would be nice to capture some of the world's largest Internet market but non Chinese sites aren't visited that much...yet. Shortest blog post on DTC! … [Read more...]
Adventure Travel Expo, LA
Next week I'm heading down to the annual Travel and Adventure Show in Los Angeles. Looking forward to making some new contacts and hopefully new partnerships for Dave's Travel Corner. Stay posted! If your in the LA area the weekend of February 13th and 14th stop on by. Visit: www.travelshows.com ~ Dave … [Read more...]
The Hoven
This entirely self contained metal structure is called the Hoven, installed in a Honda I drive. It is excellent for road trips - throw in meat well wrapped in tin foil and 4 or 5 hours later you have a well cooked meal. This a travelers dream - pop in the food before you leave and don't have to worry about cooking when you reach your destination. The Hoven (The "Engine" Oven) A built on lid makes for easy access to the oven. High … [Read more...]
Eastern Sierra Nevada
Just returned from California's great "eastern side" - entire length of the Owens Valley from Mono in the north to Lone Pine in the south and everything in between. Springtime is a great time of the year to be in this part California. Parts of these Articles revised based upon this latest trip: Bishop - Mammoth & Vicinity - Mt. Whitney This is a full body down suit made by Mountain Hardware used for sumitting 8000 meter peaks. I gave it a … [Read more...]
Countries still to Visit
Long bus rides are a great time to sit back and think about travel and upcoming trips. During one such recent 16 hour ride in Brazil I thought about which countries I would like to visit on each continent. Here are countries still to visit: North America - last one to visit is Panama (done late 2010) South America - Bolivia - Ecuador (done 2013) - Venezuela Africa - Botswana (done) - Egypt (done) - South Africa (done) - Namibia … [Read more...]
Back from the ‘Desh
Had a great few weeks in Bangladesh. Nice to visit a country that hasn't yet been discovered by foreign tourists. Spent a week in Dhaka and vicinity exploring the countryside and then another week in the south. The Sundarbans are the world's largest mangrove swamp and a visit here is for nature lovers and those trying to see the extremely rare Royal Bengal Tiger. Girl who wanted her photo taken, Dhaka Boys in old town, Dhaka … [Read more...]
The Maltese Falcon Sailboat
The world's largest sailboat, the Maltese Falcon Photo by staff photographer, John Thompson View the blog about his sailing to Mexico in October/November 2008 www.sailblogs.com/member/calou … [Read more...]
Around the World on a Motorbike
I had the opportunity recently to meet Vladimir A. Yarets - he is 62 years old, and is deaf and mute. Whats interesting is he is traveling around the world on a motorbike. The photo above is of Vladimir and his bike when I met him like 10 years later in Germany! I first met him in San Francisco California. … [Read more...]