Note: The prices listed below range from single person/one bed to double occupancy/2 beds. Prices are subject to change without notice.
All Phone Numbers are in the 760 area code unless otherwise noted.
Big Pine Motel is located at 370 South Main Street and they are rated 2 stars. 14 rooms. They have a complete courtyard with a gazebo and benches.
One story. They also have BBQ and fish cleaning facilities. Easy access to the start of Highway 168 heading up to the Bristlecone Pine forest. For more information call Phone Number (866) 456-9822.
- Bristlecone Motel is located on the west side of Main Street next to the Laundromat and gas station. They also have fish cleaning and freezing facilities. In addition a welcome treat for campers and other nomads are the paid showers. Buy your $4.50 shower token at the gas station (not the Laundromat), and enter the showers behind the gas station in the middle of the hotel.
You do not have to stay at this hotel to indulge in the showers. Wireless Internet access included with a stay here. BBQ on site. They have kitchens and microwaves. Phone 938-2067. Visit:
Starlight Motel is rated 2 stars and they are located at 511 South Main Street. They have 8 rooms. All rooms have coffee makers and refrigerators.
One nice feature of this motel is they have a BBQ area as well as fish cleaning facilities and a freezer. The prices range from $58 to $88. Phone 938-2011 OR 877-938-2011.
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