Head Hammock Traveler (Reviewed: June 2011) There are a lot of items that claim to make sleeping in airplane Economy seats more comfortable – with limited success, most we’ve tried are related to pillows or a brace behind your head/neck. The Head Hammock is somewhat different in that it allows you to lean your head forward slightly and rest against a well supported cotton hammock. This simple yet ingenious invention is the brainchild of Theri DeJoode. She experienced a whiplash accident a number of years ago and her doctor told her she needed to keep her head supported. Not one to stay put, she came up with an early version of the Head Hammock – simply a sarong wrapped around her airplane seat. Jealousy (and appreciation) arose in nearby passengers and she thought why not design something everyone could use and appreciate – enter the Head Hammock Traveler. The Head Hammock is adjustable, lightweight and easy to pack and carry. Good for airplane & train seats or other high back seats.
Where can I find/buy the head hammock traveler?