This list compiled by Scott Lackey, Sanctuare
Lola Akinmade, @lolaakinmade:
The Shadow of the Sun by Ryszard Kapuscinski
Best Travel Writing compiled by Traveler’s Tales 2010
Marco Polo Didn’t Go There by Rolf Potts
Catherine Amorose
The Lost Girls: 3 Friends. 4 Continents. One Unconventional
Detour Around the World by Jennifer Baggett, Holly
Corbett, Amanda Pressner
Ellen Barone, @ellenbarone:
Lost Angel Walkabout by Linda Ballou
Ross Borden and Andy Hayes, @MatadorNetwork:
The Only Road North by Eric Mirandette
Carol Cain
Venice: Pure City by Peter Ackroyd
The Black Nile by Dan Morrison
Jodi Ettenberg, @legalnomads:
The River of Lost Footsteps by Thant Myint-U
Erica Firpo, @NG_Rome:
Sun After Dark: Flights Into the Foreign by Pico Iyer
Marcy Gordon
Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi by Geoff Dyer
An Irreverent Curiosity by David Farley
Portofino by Frank Schaeffer
Suzy Guese, @suzyguese:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Kelly Harmon, @hiptraveler:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Getting Stoned With Savages by J. Maarten Troost
Joanna Haugen, @joanna_haugen:
No Touch Monkey by Ayun Halliday
One For the Road by Tony Horwitz
Andrew Hickey, @BrooklynNomad:
Boozehound by Jason Wilson
Spud Hilton, @SpudHilton:
Road Fever by Tim Cahill
Patty Hodapp, @pattyhodapp:
The Lost Girls: 3 Friends. 4 Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World by Jennifer Baggett, Holly Corbett, Amanda Pressner
Carl Hoffman, @lunaticcarl:
Keep the River on Your Right by Tobias Schneebaum
The Naked Tourist by Lawrence Osborne
Nellie Huang, @WildJunket:
Slave by Mende Nazer
Arlene K., @Amethystedge:
A Thousand Days in Venice by Marlena de Blasi
A Thousand Day in Tuscany by Marlena de Blasi
Ken Kaminesky, @KenKaminesky:
A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry
A Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson
Roberta Kedzierski, @RobertaK:
Case Altrui by Hilary Belle Walker
JoAnn Locktov
100 Places in Italy Every Woman Should Go by Susan Van Allen
The Lost City of Z by David Grann
Ann Lombardi, @thetripchicks:
The Lost Girls: 3 Friends. 4 Continents. One Unconventional Detour Around the World by Jennifer Baggett, Holly Corbett, Amanda Pressner
The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner
Matt Long, @LandLopers:
Baghdad Without a Map by Tony Horwitz
Kimberley Lovato, @kimberleylovato:
Walnut Wine and Truffle Groves: Culinary Adventures in the
Dordogne by Kimberley Lovato
Rachelle Lucas, @travelblggr:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Pam Mandel, @nerdseyeview:
The Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition
by Caroline Alexander
Trisha Miller, @TravelWriting:
Time Zones, Containers, and Three Square Meals a Day
by Maria Staal
Veronika Miller
One Year Off by David Elliot
Ted Nelson, @travelingted:
Surviving Paradise by Peter Rudiak-Gould
Laura Paquet, @FacingTheStreet:
Tales of a Female Nomad by Rita Golden Gelman
Susan Pohlman, @susanpohlman:
This Is Not The Story You Think It Is by Laura Munson
Laura Porter, @AboutLondon:
Postcards From Across the Pond by Michael Harling
Michele Presley
Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson
Johnica Reed
Twenty Chickens for a Saddle by Robyn Scott
Down the Nile: Alone in a Fisherman’s Skiff by Rosemary Mahoney
Robert Reid, @reidontravel:
Week at the Airport by Alain de Botton
Melanie Renzulli, @melanierenzulli:
An Irreverent Curiosity by David Farley
Michael and Marlys Schurmann
Postwar by Tony Judt
Parisians by Graham Robb
Chris Shaw, @grasmerevillage:
The Roads to Sata by Alan Booth
Andrew Smith, @ArtbySmitty:
The Only Road North by Eric Mirandette
Jessica Spiegel
An Irreverent Curiosity by David Farley
Jools Stone, @jools_octavius:
Under the Dragon by Rory MacLean
Berlin City Literature compiled by Oxygen Books
Laura Thayer, @ciaoamalfi:
A Thousand Days in Tuscany by Marlena de Blasi
Jeff Titelius, @JeffTitelius:
Halfway to Each Other: How a Year in Italy Brought Our Family
Home by Susan Pohlman
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
John Van Kirk, @Travelanswerman:
Drives of a Lifetime compiled by National Geographic
Living Without Reservations by Barbara Singer
The Lunatic Express by Carl Hoffman
Brendan van Son, @brendanvanson:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Melanie Waldman
Do Travel Writers Go to Hell? by Thomas Konstamm
Candice Walsh, @candicewalsh:
Bay of Spirits by Farley Mowat
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